We're super excited that you are considering working with us! Below are our standard terms and conditions of how we like to do things. In general, it's a good idea to familiarize yourself with these terms and conditions, just so there are no surprises after you start working with us. If you have any questions or concerns, we'd be happy to answer them. These terms and conditions may change without formal notice.
You / Your = The Client
We / Us = Flint Hall Design, Our Employees, and our Sub Contractors
Our office hours: Monday through Friday, 8AM - 4PM EST.
E-Mail: flinthalldesign@gmail.com
Flint: 512-228-2784
Getting Started / Our Process
You like us, we like you, let's do this! Our process is pretty straight forward, and we try to keep things simple. Once you are set up as a new client, and you read and agree to the following terms of service, we can get started! We'll ask you some questions about your project, and ask you to provide as many details as possible (if you're not sure what you need, we'll be glad to help you put together a plan). Once we've nailed down a basic framework of the project, we'll get to work. In 3 to 5 business days (larger projects subject to extended turn-around times), you'll be provided with a digital art proof for review. From there, we'll revise, refine, and work out the kinks until you get exactly what you want. Payment is due upon approval of the art proof.
Once the work is complete, formally approved, and paid for, access to finished collateral will be provided to you and/or your choice of vendors. These files will be will be professionally prepared for whichever purpose outlined in the specific details of the project. Use of these files for other purposes than originally discussed can lead to technical issues beyond our control. Therefore we cannot guarantee universal use of a specific piece of artwork. If you need to turn what was originally intended to be used as a web graphic into a billboard, call us first, and we'll make sure you have what you need to do that.
Payment and Terms
Our standard hourly rate is $55.00. Our minimum billable time is 1/2 hour ($27.50) for all projects. These rates are subject to change without notice. We also offer a "frequent flyer" discount rate for return customers, and for non-profit non-business entities with a 501(c) tax exempt status (political organizations excluded). Please enquire for complete details.
We use a single tier billing system, and charge the same rate for all creative and production work. Additional fees may apply for stock collateral (photos, fonts, etc.), printing, bindery, mailing, etc. We will do our best to make you aware of any of these additional fees before they are incurred. Project estimates (good for 30 days) and final time sheets are available upon request.
We require a 50% deposit on projects that are estimated to exceed $500. All other projects payment will be due upon approval of an encrypted, non-editable PDF proof. This is a non-production ready sample of your finished file. We reserve the rights to all artwork (U.S. Visual Artists Rights Act, 17 USC section 106A). Ownership rights and production ready collateral will be released upon full payment.
We do not offer net payment terms. However, if you end up owing us money, please pay the balance within 10 business days. If you are unable to do that, let us know and we can work it out.
Client Approval Process
Depending on the scope of the project and the type of design work, you will either be provided with directional drafts, updates, and/or digital proofs. It is the client's responsibility to review these drafts, updates and proofs, and request changes. Making changes is easy. Simply reply to the e-mail that contains your art proof with detailed changes, and we'll try again!
Delays in approvals or revisions to drafts will mean delays in final delivery. Once you are happy with your proof, we need a formal approval (see details below), and payment before finished files are delivered.
How to submit a formal approval, and what it means.
Submitting a formal approval is super easy. Just respond to the e-mail containing your art proof with "APPROVED" in the subject line. Once you approve your artwork, you'll get an invoice and payment instructions. After full payment is received, we'll send you your finished collateral - guaranteed to be technically sound, and ready for use.
General Liability
All services and approved deliverables are provided "as is", with no warranty, expressed or implied. In no event, regardless of fault, shall Flint Hall Design, its employees, or sub contractors be held liable for damages resulting in the use of their website, design services, or final approved collateral provided to the client. This includes (without limitation) loss of or damage to profits, income, revenue, use, production, anticipated savings, business, reputation, contracts, commercial opportunities or goodwill.
After you make full payment for the work, your art files belong to you. You are encouraged to copyright, or otherwise legally protect that work according to the copyright and trademark laws in your location. All finished work is believed to be original, and is prepared in good faith that it does not infringe on third party's copyright. However, providing an explicit guarantee that the work does not inadvertently violate an existing copyright is not possible. If a copyright issue arrises, we will work with you to either alter the existing work, or create new work that will be legally compliant, free of charge. We shall not be liable to you, or to any other person in respect of any business losses, including (without limitation) loss of or damage to profits, income, revenue, use, production, anticipated savings, business, reputation, contracts, commercial opportunities or goodwill, for any judgements against you or your company for violation of any third party copyright.
If you provide us with design elements (graphics, photos, text, etc.) for the purpose of creating your design work, please make sure that you own, or have legal permission to use those elements. "I found it on Google" generally means that the provided element is owned by someone else. If any claim or suit arrises based on the use of these client provided elements, you agree to hold Flint Hall Design, it's employees and sub contractors harmless, and not liable to you, or to any other person in respect of any business losses, including (without limitation) loss of or damage to profits, income, revenue, use, production, anticipated savings, business, reputation, contracts, commercial opportunities or goodwill.
We acknowledge that we may receive or have access to information which relates to your past, present, or future products, vendor lists, creative works, marketing strategies, pending projects/proposals, and other proprietary information. We agree to protect the confidentiality of your proprietary information and all physical forms thereof. Unless strict confidentiality is requested by you in advance, we reserve the right to display materials and final work created for you on our website, www.flinthalldesign.com.